Matchstick Coffee
Matchstick Coffee
Out of Vancouver, British Colombia are two cafes and a roastery run by Spencer Viehweger called Matchstick Coffee.
Their core goal? It’s a simply described goal, however its aspiration is far from simple. They want to serve the absolute highest quality coffee that they can imagine. And as they say, “we have big imaginations.”
They’re taking coffee and producing it with the highest level of care and attention. At their café, this means everything is brewed by the single cup, to ensure this care. At the roasting, everything is done in small batches. At the farm, they only work with producers who share this similar attention to detail. The three elements that have the greatest impact on the final outcome are monitored with extreme precision.
Catalogue 18:
This Matchstick coffee is from the farm El Aguacatal & producer Petronilo Martinez. Petronilo personally manages everything that happens on his farm, and is very particular about the processing methods. Although there is a batch dryer nearby that could be used for efficiency, he chooses to patio dry the beans in the sun to ensure uniformity and protection of the delicateness of this coffees acidity!