Our Director of Coffee, Dustin Ryan Yu, put together two Origami brew guides for this Light & Adventurous Pack.

Planet Bean Ethiopia Yirgacheffe Washed

Origami with Origami Paper Filters:

• Ratio: 20g coffee to 320g water

• Grind size: 32 clicks on Comandante, or medium coarse (coarse Kosher salt) 

• Temperature: 96C / 205F

• Bloom: 50g for 30 seconds

• Pour: to 160g, then to 320g

• Brew time: 2:35

A note from Dustin: "This recipe brought out lots of sweetness, juiciness, and improved silkiness, and highlights some of the more nuanced florals and red fruit as it cooled."

Pista Burundi Washed

Origami with Wave Filters (Flat Bottom):

• Ratio: 20g coffee to 320g water

• Grind size: 32 clicks on Comandante, or medium coarse (coarse Kosher salt) 

• Temperature: 96C / 205F

• Bloom: 50g for 30 seconds

• Pour: to 160g, then to 320g

• Brew time: 2:30

A note from Dustin: "This recipe highlights the fruit-forward notes and becomes more jammy through the brew method. The floral honey notes are also very clear on the nose and in the aftertaste, making this a really complex coffee that hits all the notes!"

Don't have an Origami Brewer and want to give these a try? If you're a subscriber you get free shipping on everything. 

Use the code IMASUBSCIBER and we'll bundle the brewer with your next coffee shipment. One of the perks of being a subscriber!

February 23, 2023 — Zara Snitman

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