Our Director of Coffee, Dustin Ryan Yu, put together an AeroPress brew guides for this Classic & Approachable Pack.

Planet Bean Mexico Li Maya Washed


• AeroPress method: Inverted

• Ratio: 14g coffee to 190g water 

• Grind size: 28 clicks on Comandante, or medium (Kosher salt) 

• Temperature: 91C / 195F

• Bloom: None

• Pour: to 190g, stir 5 times at 1:00

• Brew time: place cap with double filters on at 1:10, slowly and gently press from 1:20 to 2:00. 

A note from Dustin: "This method accentuated the honey and sugarcane sweetness, and increased the body to a creamy texture. The coffee is mildly nutty, and balanced with a gentle acidity that makes this a perfect everyday coffee."

Don't have an AeroPress and want to give these a try? If you're a subscriber you get free shipping on everything! Use the code IMASUBSCIBER and we'll bundle the brewer with your next coffee shipment. One of the perks of being a subscriber!

February 23, 2023 — Zara Snitman

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