Catching Up With:

Iona Fresnoza

Founder of Kapé Philippine Coffee
based in Vancouver, BC

Interview with Iona Fresnoza, Founder of Kapé Philippine Coffee

Philippine specialty coffee is still relatively rare to come by, and that's why we are so thrilled to be partnering with Kapé for the third year in a row to bring you some of the best coffees the Philippines has to offer. Not only are these coffees delicious, but they have a story to tell. We sat down with Iona to catch up with her and dive deep into her passion for Philippine coffee.
When and why did you decide to start Kapé coffee?
I started Kapé out of a deep passion for coffee, the stories behind it, and my heritage and culture. The idea sparked before I moved to Canada as an immigrant in 2015. I realized that Philippine coffee farmers were producing unique and high-quality beans, but they often lacked the support and recognition they deserved. 
As much as I wanted to stay truly connected with my identity as a Filipino, despite the distance, I wanted to create a bridge between the talented farmers I have come to know and trust, and coffee lovers, both locally and internationally. Kapé was born from the vision of promoting Philippine specialty coffee while ensuring that farmers get to build sustainable livelihoods through coffee.
I also saw an opportunity to educate consumers about the rich heritage and diverse flavors of our coffee. Every cup tells a story, and I wanted to share that journey with others. Starting Kapé has been a way to honour my heritage, Philippine coffee culture, support our communities, and create a positive impact in the industry.
It’s been a fulfilling journey, and I’m excited to continue growing Kapé while staying true to our mission!
Where do you hope to see the future of Philippine specialty coffee going, and what is Kapé doing to support that?
The future of Philippine specialty coffee is incredibly promising, and I envision it becoming a global contender celebrated not just for its unique flavors but also for its sustainable practices and strong community ties. As more consumers become aware of the story behind their coffee—from bean to cup—we have a fantastic opportunity to highlight the rich heritage and diverse microclimates that contribute to the distinct profiles of Philippine coffees.
At Kapé, we’re committed to supporting this vision by prioritizing direct relationships with local farmers, ensuring they receive fair compensation for their high-quality beans. We’re also investing in educational programs that empower farmers with knowledge about sustainable farming techniques and post-harvest processing. By doing this, we not only elevate the quality of the coffee but also strengthen the livelihoods of the communities involved.
Moreover, we are passionate about fostering a culture of appreciation for Philippine coffee through tastings and collaborations with local cafes and roasters. By engaging consumers in this journey, we hope to cultivate a deeper understanding of the flavors and stories behind each cup, ultimately driving demand for Philippine specialty coffee on a global scale.
Together, we can create a vibrant ecosystem that celebrates our unique coffee heritage while ensuring it thrives for generations to come.
Being an accredited coffee exporter in the Philippines, an importer and a small batch roaster in Canada is certainly no small feat! How has it been juggling all these hats? 
It’s definitely been a rewarding challenge! Juggling the roles of an accredited coffee exporter in the Philippines, an importer, and a small batch roaster in Canada requires a lot of coordination and passion, but it’s all worth it to see the journey of our coffee unfold. 
Managing the export side involves nurturing relationships with local farmers and ensuring quality control, which is essential for maintaining our standards. At the same time, as an importer, I’m constantly learning about market trends and consumer preferences in Canada to effectively bridge that gap.
Roasting in small batches allows us to highlight the unique characteristics of each coffee, ensuring freshness and quality. It’s a labor of love, as each roast is an opportunity to tell a story and create a memorable experience for our customers.
Ultimately, it’s the connection between the farmers and consumers that keeps me motivated. Every hat I wear plays a crucial role in building that bridge, and I feel grateful to contribute to both the Philippine coffee industry and the growing appreciation for it here in Canada. It’s all about creating a sustainable ecosystem that benefits everyone involved.
What are some goals Kapé has for the near and long future? 
Kapé has some exciting goals both in the near and long term! In the short term, we aim to enhance our partnerships with local farmers to ensure they receive even more support and resources. This includes expanding our educational programs to cover sustainable farming practices and quality improvement techniques, which will not only elevate the coffee but also strengthen the livelihoods of the communities we work with.
We also plan to host more community events and tastings to engage consumers directly, fostering a deeper appreciation for Philippine specialty coffee. Building a loyal customer base that values quality and sustainability is a top priority for us.
Looking further ahead, our long-term vision includes scaling our operations to reach international markets while maintaining our commitment to quality and sustainability. We want to establish Kapé as a leading ambassador for Philippine coffee globally, showcasing the rich flavors and stories behind each cup.
Additionally, we’re exploring collaborations with other roasters and brands to feature unique origins that highlight the diversity of Philippine coffees. By doing this, we hope to not only elevate our brand but also contribute to the overall growth of the Philippine coffee industry.
Ultimately, our goal is to create a sustainable ecosystem that uplifts farmers, delights consumers, and celebrates the unique heritage of Philippine coffee for generations to come!

Karen Duong

Karen Duong

Head of Content & Education. Creates content about all things coffee whether it be roaster interviews, origin deep dives, or a silly meme! Loves music, dancing and a good washed Colombian.

Karen Duong

Karen Duong

Head of Content & Education. Creates content about all things coffee whether it be roaster interviews, origin deep dives, or a silly meme! Loves music, dancing and a good washed Colombian.

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