Brew Guide: El Aguante on Chemex
We featured the El Aguante by Kittel in our Issue #3 Classic Pack, and we can’t get enough of this coffee on Chemex!
Liam Robichaud, Director of Coffee at Kittel Coffee, provided a Chemex brew guide tailored to bring out the best in this El Aguante.
Robichaud explains why this coffee tastes so dark good brewers on a Chemex:
"I love [the El Aguante] on Chemex. It's got that balance of chocolate and fruit. Any Colombian coffee that is roasted well will taste great on a Chemex."
Are you intrigued to give it a try? Here's a Chemex brew guide that will make your El Agunate sing!
The Specs:
The Steps:
- 1. Open the folded Chemex filter and place the lined side over the spout.
- 2. Wet the filter with boiling water to eliminate the taste of the paper and heat the container.
- 3. Discard the water.
- 4. Place 55g of ground coffee in the Chemex filter and shake to distribute evenly.
- 5. Start the timer and pour 250g of water in concentric circles for 30 seconds.
- 6. Wait until 1:00, then pour another 250g of water for 30 seconds. 7. At 2:30, finish the pour with the remaining 250g for 30 seconds. The brew should drain between 4:00 and 5:00. If too quick or too long, adjust the grind size accordingly.
- 8. Stir, drink, and enjoy.